There is no charge to Create A Listing and submit for review. You will only be charged if your Listing is accepted and you choose a Listing Program with associated fees. Initial Listing information should be detailed enough to provide an overview of the Listing. Fill out Create A Listing submission form (* required fields).
Select Listing Category (and Sub-Category as appropriate): *
- Auto
- Race Cars
- Race Karts
- RV’s
- Street Cars
- SUVs
- Trailers
- Trucks
- Motorcycle
- Cruisers
- Dirt Bikes
- Race Bikes
- Sport Bikes
- Other
- Apparel
- Bicycles
- Engines
- Memorabilia
- Miscellaneous
- Parts
- Shoes
- Watches
Enter the following Listing Information:
- Year *
- Manufacturer *
- Model *
- Exterior Color *
- Interior Color * (Enter N/A if Not Applicable)
- VIN # or Serial # * (Enter N/A if Not Applicable)
- Mileage or Hours * (Enter N/A if Not Applicable)
- Listing Condition *
- Used
- New
- Listing Condition Rating * (The Seller is to provide an honest assessment of Listing condition with supporting documentation, photos/video and/or PPI Report evidence.)
- A = Excellent (The Listing is Concours Quality or Brand New/Never Used, has no major visual, structural or mechanical flaws and operates as new i.e. “Best of the Best / Garage Queen / Hanger Queen.” Only a small number of Listings will qualify as an A rating.)
- B = Great (The Listing has only a few minor flaws, is in great condition, is fully operational, and has been very well maintained & cared for i.e. “New Owner Ready.”)
- C = Good (The Listing has a number of identifiable flaws, is fully operational, and has received normal maintenance & care i.e. “Daily User.”)
- D = Fair (The Listing has significant flaws, wear & tear, may have operational issues, and may need maintenance & repairs, etc. i.e. “Project.”)
- F = Poor (The Listing is incomplete, non-operational and/or severely compromised i.e. “Parts / Donor.”)
- Listing Overview, Description & Specifications * (Overview of the Listing with Descriptive Overview & Specifications, Original Options, etc. of the Listing, Please be as detailed & transparent as possible)
- (EXR Staff can help in completing this section)
- Modifications (Modifications from original, tuner-mods, resto-mods, etc.)
- Yes (Provide details, Please be as detailed & transparent as possible)
- None
- History * (Include to the best of your knowledge: ownership history, racing history if any, crash and/or damage history, provenance, other pertinent history facts, etc. Please be as detailed & transparent as possible)
- (If not applicable enter N/A)
- Current Issues * (Including to the best of your knowledge: current affecting issues, flaws, etc. Please be as detailed & transparent as possible, if none, state so)
- Seller Notes (Include any important and/or special information regarding the Listing and/or sale of the Listing such as: any spares, parts and/or equipment that come with the Listing, any liens, loans, leases, financing or other encumbrances on the Listing, etc. Please be as detailed & transparent as possible)
- (If not applicable enter N/A)
- Add Listing Photos (The Listing Plan selected will determine the number of Listing Photos allowed by the Platform for your Listing.)
- Please provide high quality, detailed photos showing exterior, interior and other Listing details as appropriate (Platform allows up to 15 MB size per photo).
- The first photo loaded will be used as the Listing Feature Photo.
- This may be changed at any time by moving another photo into the first photo position.
- Photo Guide
- Available Photo Pro Packages
- Add Listing Videos (The Listing Plan selected will determine the number of Listing Videos allowed by the Platform for your Listing.)
- Videos will be embedded via YouTube Video Link
Select the NEXT button to continue to Listing Options.