Marketplace Options
Exclusive Racing Marketplace (EXR) specializes in Unique Listings that often require a longer timeframe to market and sell, hence we offer Unique Solutions to help achieve a successful sales outcome.
- Hybrid Auctions (Auctions + Classifieds | This is the Platform Default Setting) Featuring the best of both worlds, Hybrid Auctions offer all the features of an Auction and a Classifieds Listing, in one package offering greater potential for a successful sales outcome.
- Hybrid Auctions offer Timeline and Run Frequency Options (3 Day | 7 Day (Default Setting) | Custom Auction Timelines) that the Seller can choose from during the Listing Creation Process.
- If the Listing doesn’t sell during the Auction Period, the Listing goes into the Classifieds Period, allowing potential Buyers to pay the Buy Now Price or Make an Offer to the Seller.
- During Auction Periods:
- Reserve Auction Option (The Listing will only sell if Highest Bid amount meets or exceeds the set Reserve Price.)
- No-Reserve Auction Option (The Listing will sell to Highest Bidder regardless of Bid amount.)
- During Classifieds Periods (The Listing will sell to the first Buyer that pays the Buy Now Price or Seller may accept Buyer’s Make Offer Price.)
- Classifieds (Features Buy Now & Make Offer Options)
- The Listing will sell to the first Buyer that pays the Buy Now Price or Seller may accept Buyer’s Make Offer Price.
Timeline Options
- 180 Day and Custom Listing Options
- 3 Day, 7 Day (Default Setting) and Custom Auction Options
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Sales Premium Options
Seller Chooses Sales Premium Option During Listing Creation
- Buyers Premium – Buyer pays the entire Sales Premium in the form of a Buyers Premium (Default Setting)
- Split Premium – Buyer and Seller Split the Sales Premium
- Sellers Premium – Seller pays the entire Sales Premium in the form of a Sellers Premium
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